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DG 11 10-3-126
August 1976
Interior design features must be developed in coordi-
2-8 Interior Design
nation with the architectural design. All features of the
building relative to the interior design, whether they are
furnished and installed as part of the construction con-
tract or provided later by the using service, must be
developed as an overall scheme. Graphic design and
signage should be included as part of the overall design to
identify activities and facilitate functional effectiveness.
b. Use of color in Army facilities is limited to a practical
number selected from Federal Standard 595A, Colors.
General guidance for color selection is provided in TM
5-607-7, Co/ors for Buildings. Color should be used to
stimulate human physical and emotional reactions and to
enhance the overall functionality of the Auto Crafts
Center. In critical seeing areas, glare, brilliant colors and
great brightness differences, both in the lighting system
and in the color of walls, floors, furnishings and equip-
ment should be avoided.
The effectiveness of an automotive craft program
depends on the availability of suitable equipment, tools
and supplies. The equipment and furnishings in the build-
ings can be categorized as follows: those used in the test-
ing and repair of vehicles; those used as instructional aids;
and the general furniture and accessories used in the sup-
port areas such as the classrooms and office.
d. The C a t a l o g o f A r m y A r t s a n d C r a f t s P r o g r a m
Equipment contains
equipment for the Army Arts and Crafts Program. Essen-
tial Facilities and Equipment for Program Operations.
Arts and Crafts Program, lists essential equipment and
budget prices. However, none of these sources cover all
program items and costs, and specifications should be
obtained from three major sources:
(1) Army schedules for government furnished standard
items as indicated by the various commands.
Schedules from GSA and Federal Prison Industries.
Commercial supply firms.
The proper spacing of equipment and adequate power
supply is essential for the safe operation of the shops.
The maximum number of tools is governed by the amount
of area required for safe operation. Islands of space
around most power tools is essential for safety. These
requirements are identified in Chapter 3.
Interior Design Elements