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DG 1110-3-126
August 1976
2-10 Energy
With decreasing energy sources, conservation must
be practiced in all facilities at military installations. New
construction offers a variety of methods to conserve
energy. The skillful exploitation of local climate con-
ditions, topography, trees, solar exposure, and other
natural features, combined with building orientation,
compact building shapes, and wall shading, offer oppor-
tunities for energy conservation. The simple considera-
tion that each side of a building may require different
treatment depending on its exposure is often overlooked
in designing an energy efficient building.
b. Auto Crafts Centers, with their numerous exterior
overhead doors, are often wasteful of energy for heating
and cooling. However, in warm climates large openings
help provide a comfortable interior environment without
the need for mechanical ventilation or cooling. Thus
energy conservation can be important when considering
the basic design solutions at a particular installation.
Another obvious area to consider in energy conservation is
the selection of mechanical and electrical systems and
their control. Night time control settings and automatic
regulation of power equipment can produce significant
savings. The amount of building insulation, particularly
in the roof, is another important factor, and heat recovery
devices must be considered.
Long-range (life cycle) costing which compares initial
capital improvement costs with extended operational
costs is a valid method to determine the most efficient
balance between building and mechanical systems.
d. Lighting intensities should conform to the minimum
levels recommended by the latest edition of ///urination
Engineering Society Lighting Handbook. Where practical,
lighting will be designed for specific local tasks instead of
providing uniform general loads.
of typical annual energy consumption for an auto crafts
center. The second chart shows a possible 40% savings
savings in total consumption due to various conservation
techniques, resulting in a reapportionment of energy
consumption. Conservation techniques when used at the
time of construction provide a real savings during the life
of the facility in both resources and operating funds.
Possible Savings In Annual Energy Consumption