Design Guide: Recreation Centers Introduction January 1976
a. FUNCTIONAL NEEDS. The following
a. DESIGN. This guide provides criteria to
govern the design of Army Recreation Centers,
Army Regulation is important in understanding
the functions of an Army Recreation Center:
and to aid in the evaluation of such designs.
This guide is directed towards improving early
AR 28-1 Army Recreation Services
design decisions and towards the development
of realistic, cost-effective spaces in conjunction
following manual is important in understanding
with the Army regulations and DOD criteria
the basic criteria governing the planning and
referenced herein.
b. PLANNING. This guide is also intended to
DOD 4270.1 -M Construction Criteria Manual
provide generaI guidance for using service
personnel and Corps of Engineers field offices
c. PROJECT PLANNING. The following reg-
in planning facilities for inclusion in military
ulations are important in understanding proce-
construction programs.
dures for planning facilities in conjunction with
the development of Military Construction,
c. IMPROVEMENT. It is expected that using
Army (MCA) Programs:
service personnel will find additional use for
this guide in developing improvements or in
AR 415-15 MCA Program Development
better utilizing existing facilities.
AR 415-17 Empirical Cost Estimates for
Military Construction
d. DESIGN EXECUTION. The following
a. APPLICATION. This document is applica-
Army and Engineer Regulations are important
ble to all new construction projects for Army
in understanding execution procedures which
Recreation Centers. It is also applicable as
must be considered in the design of facilities
general guidance to projects involving the
designated for inclusion in MCA programs:
AR 415-20 Project Development and Design
While this is the basic criteria document for
ER 1110-345-100 Design Policy for Military
Army Recreation Centers, it is not intended to
provide all of the information required for
ER 1110-345-700 Design Analysis
successful preparation of project designs.
ER 1110-345-710 Drawings
Additional information must be obtained from
ER 1110-345-720 Specifications
the unique requirements at the installation level
which are associated with the general descrip-
e. COMPLETION RECORDS. The following
tion of activities contained herein and the
regulation is important in understanding the
locational constraints and opportunities of the
kind of records transferred to the using service
upon completion of a project:
b. CASE STUDIES. Space allowances for Army
AR 415-10 General Provisions for Military
R e c r e a t i o n Centers are defined in DOD
4270.1 -M, Construction Criteria Manual. For
the purpose of this document, case studies are
developed herein for three sizes of Recreation
The format of this guide is intended to
Centers (12,700 SF, 19,800 SF, and 27,800
facilitate the development of project require-