Design Guide: Recreation Centers Case Studies January 1976
the programs in the Center, the other staff
extensive modification to accommodate this
member operates the Control Center and ITT.
need, this requirement should take precedence
over other less important changes and would be
(2) Large Group. There are usually four
included in the construction within a limited
planned weekly group functions; attendance is
anticipated to range from 200-250 people in
the Found Space Center. These activities are
The planning of the Recreation Center program
Friday night dances, Saturday night socials,
should follow the same procedure as outlined in
Sunday night films and popcorn, and Wednes-
Chapter 2, and should be guided by the criteria
day night bingo. The Center will be used
and principles stated in Chapters 4 and 5. The
for Commander's Calls with
difference is that many of the space require-
approximately 50 people in attendance, and for
ments will have to be modified to meet the
unit parties of about 200 people.
constraints of the existing structure. However,
the design of a Found Space Center should have
(3) Small Group. The Center currently has 4
the same design objectives of new construction
billiard tables and one pingpong table; because
-- it should maximize social interaction and the
of budgetary reasons, it has been decided not to
patron's freedom of choice to pursue interests
add any more game equipment in the Center. It
and activities.
has been anticipated that approximately 30
people will watch TV during a normal evening.
c. SITUATION. The installation is located in
Recorded music and drama listening has been a
the southeastern part of the country and has a
military population of 4,401 permanent party
popular activity. Informal combo practice is a
popular activity occurring frequently. It usually
personnel. An existing Center is located in a
consists of from 1-6 persons practicing with
temporary building which has serious structural
faults. The post commander has decided that
5-10 onlookers. Sometimes
patrons tape such activities or tape program
the Recreation Center should be located in one
of the several permanent buildings not cur-
speakers; an in-house audio/taping system
enables this process.
rently being used.
(4) Special Interest. Among the special
d. CURRENT USAGE. The Center now being
interest activities scheduled twice weekly are
used has approximately 125-175 people in
the gourmet cooking club with 15 members and
attendance during weekday peak activity hours.
coin collecting club with about 40 members. It
When there are large group events, the
is felt by the members and staff that they could
attendance may include as many as 400
use an enclosed multipurpose space for their
meetings. In addition, there are classes of 10-40
A fulI range of regular programs is provided at
people that meet as a particular subject
this Center. In addition, there is growing
becomes popular or interesting.
participation in special interest programs;
Based on the current and planned activities and
however, these do not represent a major part of
requirements, an existing building consisting of
the Center's activities.
11,850 SF was determined as the building most
The Center is operated by two full-time
suitable for the Center; it has two large spaces
recreation professionaIs. It is anticipated that
of 2000 SF each. Funds were available for some
the Center usage will remain fairly constant
remodeling and interior demolition.
when the Center is moved to the found space,
which is approximately the same size as the
(1) Large Group. A central program area is
existing Center.
the most critical space requirement. T O
adequately house the local recreation program,
it has to accommodate 200 people for films and
(1) Administrative. The two staff members
250 people for dances.
200 x 8 SF/person = 1,600 SF
are involved in planning and supervising the
250 x 15 SF/person = 3,000 SF
programs of the Center. While one is involved in