topography - all requiring different design accommoda-
Morale Support Activities include Physical Activities (out-
tion. Local judgments and interpretations, guided by the
door recreation and sports), Library Activities, and Com-
considerations and models in this Design Guide, will pro-
munity and Skill Development Activities (social activities,
duce better community program organization and facili-
music, drama, art, multiple crafts, auto crafts, and youth
activities). Morale Support facilities may be constructed
ties to meet local needs.
with Appropriated Funds, under the Military Construction,
Army (MCA), Minor Military Construction (MMCA), Oper-
(4) Local Involvement in Planning. A mechanism is
ations and Maintenance (OMA), Family Housing and
needed to coordinate the numerous parties involved in
other programs, or with Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) -
decision-making and provision of community support ser-
each with its own scope, requirements, and approval
vices. The people directly responsible, with the best
understanding of the needs and services, should be
involved in the planning. This should include not only the
No Standard Pattern. There is no standard, ideal
using agencies, facility engineers and planners, but also
representatives of the users themselves. A coordinating
pattern for provision of community services or planning of
committee should be organized at each installation to
Community Activity Centers. Each installation must
ensure the appropriate input of all these participants.
develop its own, in response to the local population,
needs, programs, and providers. The pattern will have to
Special provider and user sub-committees may also be
formed to support this effort. These committees may util-
be modified as local needs and resources change over
ize existing bodies like the masterplanning council and
troop advisory councils, or be specially organized for this
Similarly, there should be no standard design for CAC
purpose. This involvement should continue from plan-
facilities. The illustrative designs in this Design Guide
ning to project development, design, and operation, with
should not be used as definitives. They were developed
the organization of the committees changing as appropri-
to meet specific needs at specific locations, applying the
ate to each stage.
planning and design principles set forth in this guide.
Numerous variables affect each CAC - different users,
program and activity emphases, existing facilities, site
DG 1110-3-142 Page 3-5