Chapter 3
c. Continuous Development
(1) Community Framework. Given the continuous
nature of the community development process, the post
needs a Community Framework to guide the develop-
The development of community support programs and
ment of community services and facilities, which will
facilities is a continuous evolving process. The users'
enable it to respond to the shifts in needs and resources
needs and the availibility of program resources change
over time. The Community Framework (see figure 3 - 5)
over time. The community system must be continuously
is part of the post's masterplan, and provides the basis
adapted to best serve the local needs, given the avail-
for specific project development, in the context of the
able resources.
overall community system. It includes consideration of
This development of a community system can be seen
all Morale Welfare and Recreation programs, but focuses
as the relationship of two processes continuing over time
on Morale Support Activities.
(see figure 3 - 4): the needs of the community for a vari-
ety of services, activities, and other supports; and the
(2) Sequential Construction. Plans for Community
provision of programs and facilities to meet those needs.
Activity Centers and other community facilities should be
These needs can be met in a variety of ways through
designed to be built sequentially over time. Plans should
different sources of community support such as MSA,
allow parts of facilities to be built independently. Com-
AAFES, ACS, clubs, schools or the private sector.
munity facilities may be included within buildings primar-
These processes are linked by the development of indi-
ily for other functions, or be built as additions to or reno-
vidual programs and facility projects. These develop-
vations of other facilities. The designs should be flexible,
ments arise in response either to continuing needs or to
to accommodate construction from different funding
changes in needs or provision potentials, such as a new
post mission and population to serve, changing activity
Planning for phased construction is essential for effective
preferences among users, initiation of a new funding pro-
realization of the Community Framework. Several devel-
gram, or a shift in funding priorities with a new fiscal
opment strategies may be needed. For individual facili-
ties, the prospect of phased construction requires prelimi-
nary architectural masterplanning to set the relationships
between building elements to be designed in separate
Page 3-6 DG 1110-3-142