Illustrative Designs
c. Community Framework
b. Existing Programs and
The Community Framework plan (figure 6 - 29) shows
the response to this comprehensive need at Fort Pacific.
Very little exists in the way of community programs and
A single CAC complex is located on one of the only
facilities on the post. A small post exchange (including a
remaining open sites available on the installation, a cen-
superette, snack bar and electronic games room) and a
tral location which is reasonably accessible from all parts
small Army Community Services building serve the entire
of the housing area. This local family center accommo-
population. There are limited sports fields, outdoor courts
dates all the community functions for the installation, like
and playgrounds dispersed among the housing. Any
a main post center. The ACS functions are relocated
organized programming is operated by part-time MSA
from their old building to the center, and playing fields
staff who are based at other installations. This consists
are developed nearby. Unfortunately, the post exchange
mostly of team sports activities for the soldiers and
complex remains a separate, isolated function because
dependent youth. Even chapel services are held outside
of existing buildings and space constraints.
by visiting staff. The full range of family-oriented pro-
grams requires development and accommodations.
Page 6-35
DG 1110-3-142