Chapter 6
Fort Pacific:
Local Family Center
a. Post Situation and
(1) Surrounding Context and Geography. Fort
Pacific is a family housing area located on a large island
in the Pacific Ocean. It is twenty miles from the military
operations and administrative areas served by the resi-
dent military population. It is over twenty miles from a
major metropolitan center with any extensive recreational
activities. Although the areas around Fort Pacific have
seen civilian development recently, the fort itself remains
isolated, with the closest commercial and service centers
at least five miles away by car.
The terrain of Fort Pacific and its surrounding area is
very hilly and at times precipitous. The isolation of the
post is reinforced by its being largely ringed by steep
slopes (see figure 6 - 29). The fort itself is densely
developed, with little open space remaining. The vegeta-
tion is lushly tropical, and there are many attractive
beaches nearby.
(2) Post Mission and Population. Fort Pacific is
strictly a family housing area for personnel serving at
other posts. It houses 2,600 families in very dense resi-
dential accommodations. The total population of the
housing area is slightly over 10,000, with 5,000 depen-
dents under nineteen years of age. The military person-
nel living there are almost entirely enlisted men and
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