Space Criteria: A Guide to the Guides
Gymnasiums and
Physical Fitness
DG 1110-3-128
The Army Morale Support Activities program should pro-
Table 7 - 44 DOD Space Authorization for
vide a wide range of athletic and recreational activities in
Gymnasiums and Physical Fitness
order to support the mental and physical well-being of
Army personnel, their families and other members of the
Area (Gross SF)
Military Population
military community. Physical fitness centers should aug-
250 None, combine with Multipurpose
ment existing sports facilities with well-rounded athletic
Recreation Building
programs accessible to all members of the military com-
251 -
1,000 1 - 14,000 sq. ft. all purpose gym
munity. The centers must accommodate simultaneous
1,001 -
3,300 1 - 21,000 sq. ft. gym
use, by adults and dependent youth of both sexes, of all
6,6003 2 - 21,000 sq. ft. gyms
3,301 -
activity areas except lockers, showers, toilets, etc. The
6,601 -
10,000 3 - 21,000 sq. ft. gyms
physical fitness center (category code 740 - 28) should
15,0002 4 - 21,000 sq. ft. gyms
10,001 -
be centrally located, able to accommodate large tourna-
ments, open to military dependents. Barracks-related
Military population includes active duty plus 25% of their
gymnasiums and other sports facilities (category code
For each 3,300 above 15,000 an additional gymnasium of
740 - 34) are designed and located primarily for local
21,000 sq. ft. may be provided.
service to troop units.
At installations over 4,000 a single large facility-Physical
Major athletic and entertainment events create special
Fitness/Athletic Complex-may be provided.
problems in traffic control and parking accommodations.
The siting of the physical fitness center should discour-
age heavy traffic flow through housing or community
Table 7 - 45 DOD Space Authorization for Physical
center areas, and minimize the impact of heavy traffic on
Fitness/Athletic Complexes
installation arterials. Barracks areas generally incorpo-
Area (Gross SF)
rate adequate athletic facilities in the form of gymnasi-
Active Duty Military Strength
ums and outdoor playing courts. Facilities for depen-
4,000 - 5,000
dents may be relatively limited, therefore these users are
5,000 - 7,000
more in need of the center facility. The physical fitness
7,001 - 10,000
center should be sited approximately equidistant from
10,001 - 15,000
troop billeting and family housing, in order to encourage
each additional 15,000
general utilization. The physical fitness center may be
located together with, or convenient to, the Main Post
Center because they serve complimentary and mutually
reinforcing functions. However, space, access and park-
ing requirements may not permit this co-location.
This section also lists DOD requirements for Outdoor/
Indoor Swimming Pools, Indoor Handball/ Racquetball and/or
Squash Courts, and Physical Fitness/Athletic Complexes.
DG 1110-3-142 Page 7-43