UFC 4-740-20
1 May 2006
Figure: Administration Functional Relationships
Library Director Offices
Locate the library director's office with a view to the circulation desk and public services
areas, where possible. Include a window to the outdoors, where possible. Provide a
desk, chair, visitor's chair, file cabinets, shelving, storage space for carts, and a lockable
door. Include computer network connections with Internet access and a telephone line.
Consider the need for a conference table, sofa or love seat, and coffee or end tables
with lamps.
Assistant Library Director Offices
If an assistant library director is included in the library program, locate this office near
the library director's office and the technical services work room. Provide a desk, chair,
visitor's chair, file cabinets, shelving, storage space for carts, and a lockable door.
Include computer network connections with Internet access and a telephone line.
Information Technology Administrator Offices
Where possible, combine the IT administrator's office and the server room, or locate
them closely together. Provide a desk, chair, visitor's chair, file cabinets, shelving,
storage space for carts, and a lockable door. Include computer network connections
with Internet access and a telephone line. Provide a table for computer repairs in the
information technology administrator's office or the server room.
Server Rooms
Provide a dedicated server room to accommodate computer server racks and network
operations with easy access to power, cables, and computer service items. Include a
work area and table for servicing of computers with ample storage space for spare