UFC 4-740-20
1 May 2006
Provide locally controlled dimmer switches for lights. Consider the need for telephone
and video conferencing and provide the required infrastructure to provide these
capabilities. For large conference rooms, consider the need for a small enclosed
kitchenette with folding doors.
Locate the speaker's areas to reduce disturbances from people entering and exiting,
and from direct sunlight and glare. Do not place windows directly behind the speaker's
position. Provide a coat closet near the door and lockable storage that is directly
accessible from the conference/meeting rooms. Storage rooms should be large enough
to accommodate storage of tables and stacking chairs used in the activity rooms. For
divisible rooms, this storage should be located in a common area that provides access
from each room, such as off the entry lobby. Provide modular furniture and conference
tables with Internet access, a speaker phone, data, and power accommodations.
Provide a drop-down projection screen and wall mounted white boards. Consider
providing a smart board connected electronically to a networked printer. Provide
millwork for conference materials, storage, displays, or refreshments. Provide a
credenza for storage, A/V cart, and trash cans.
Coffee Cafes
Consider the need for a coffee caf within the non-secured area of the library lobby that
would serve coffee, espresso, other beverages, light snacks, and other items similar to
those served in commercial book stores and public libraries. Vendor services should be
provided by outside sources and should not be considered part of the responsibilities of
the library staff. Coffee cafes should be located near the main entrance area in a
prominent location that will not disturb library operations. Locate coffee cafes in an area
of the library, such as a shared lobby that can be accessible to the public during hours
when the rest of the library facility is closed and secured. Consider the need for an
additional exterior entrance to the coffee cafe and locate appropriately.
Vending Machines
Address the need for snack or drink machines and other vendor supplied equipment
located near the lobby or foyer. Locate vending machines in an alcove or area with only
partial view from the entrance or lobby. Do not place vending machines at the entrance
or in the lobby because it is extremely unsightly.
Public Restrooms
Provide both male and female accessible restrooms according to ADAAG requirements.
The number of toilets and urinals required will vary according to the overall size of each
facility. Locate restrooms off the entry lobby to allow access for users of the conference
rooms and coffee cafe during times when the library is closed. In such cases, provide a
night security closure at the access control point to secure the rest of the library.
Restroom entrances should be easily visible from the circulation desk. Include seating
for children and baby changing accommodations in both male and female restrooms.
Utilize non-skid ceramic tile or rubber for floors. Finish walls with ceramic tile installed
either full height or as a wainscot. Use slab or solid surface composite material at
lavatory counters. Provide mirrors, grab bars, soap dispensers, sinks, and paper towel