TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
(3) Drainage ditches and structures shall be
3-1. Roadway.
inspected for the presence of:
a. Inspection. The roadway shall be inspected
(a) Brush.
for the following defects:
(b) Drift
(c) Excessive ice and snow.
(2) Erosion of embankments and cut slopes.
(d) Other obstructions which may interfere
(3) Enbankment sliding or slippage.
with the flow of water.
(4) Potential slope stability problems.
If any of these are present, immediate remedial
(5) Settlement at approaches to bridge ends.
action is required to prevent damage to the roadway
(6) Washouts under the track.
and track structure.
If any of these are present, remedial action is re-
(4) Particular attention shall be given to
quired within a time frame necessary to prevent
drainage conditions at turnouts, rail crossings, road
damage to the track structure.
crossings, bridge ends, and all locations where
b. Hazardous conditions. Any condition
conditions may restrict adequate drainage.
presenting a hazard to the safe movement of trains
shall be corrected prior to the first movement over
3-3. Vegetation.
that location.
a. Vegetation shall be controlled so that it does
3-2. Drainage.
(1) Grow within the ballast section or
a. General.
obstruct ballast drainage.
(1) A well-drained roadbed is essential to
(2) Interfere with adequate visibility at grade
good track maintenance.
(2) Any attempts to divert water onto the
(3) Obstruct visibility of location markers,
roadway or to obstruct ditches or drainage struc-
switch position indicators, signs, or signals.
tures shall be reported immediately to the DEH
(4) Obstruct drainage.
(5) Interfere with the safe operation of
(3) Drains, ditches, and other open drainage
structure shall be protected to prevent hazards to
(6) Prevent proper track inspection.
(7) Present a fire hazard to timber structures.
b. Size and design. Ditches and other drainage
(8) Interfere with personnel walking within
structures (culverts, drains, and drop inlets) shall be
8 fees of the track centerline.
of sufficient size and construction to handle the
(9) Brush the sides of rolling stock.
expected flow of water, in accordance with TM 5-
820-4/AFM 88-5, Chap. 4.
(1) At locations where vegetation interferes
c. Obstructions. Ditches and drainage structures
with the effective inspection of the track, train op-
shall be maintained to allow the free passage of
erations shall not exceed 10 mph until the vegetation
water. At locations where flow is obstructed or
is removed and a thorough track inspection is
otherwise inadequate, remedial action is required.
During construction operations adjacent to the track
(2) At locations where vegetation interferes
structure all ditches and other drainage structures
with train operations, operations shall not exceed 5
shall be kept unobstructed.
mph until the vegetation is removed and an ad-
d. Inspection.
ditional track inspection is performed.
c. Vegetation control. Undesirable vegetation
structures and channels shall be performed at least
growing within the roadway shall be removed by
chemical or manual means. For Army Track,
(2) Inspections of ditches and other drainage
chemical vegetation control shall be accomplished as
structures during and after heavy rains are reco-
prescribed by AR 420-76, TM 5-629, and TM 5-
mended to ensure that these structures are adequate
630. For Air Force track, chemical vegetation con-
to carry the runoff.
trol shall be accomplished as prescribed by AFR 91-
21, and AFM 91-19.