TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
b. Improper tie support (down or hanging ties).
any location where a rail joint is not supported by
Ties that do not support both rails are considered
at least one nondefective tie, operations shall not
defective. If these down ties are not materially de-
exceed 10 mph.
fective (see para 5-2a), they shall be tamped up and
respiked to fully support the rails.
5-3. Tie requirements.
a. Consecutive defective ties. The occurrence
of consecutive defective ties in Categories A and B
track requires operating restrictions as specified
c. Tie spacing. If the existing tie spacing aver-
ages greater than 22 inches within the distance of a
rail length, the desired spacing should be estab-
lished during the next major maintenance cycle. For
track constructed with an average tie spacing
greater than 22 inches, the desired spacing should
b. Joint ties. All joints shall be supported by at
be established during the next track rehabilitation.
least one nondefective tie whose centerline is within
18 inches of the rail ends as shown in figure 5-2. At