UFC 3-420-01
25 October 2004
Including changes 1 and 2, October 2006
SECTION 305.6 Freezing. Add after the last sentence: "Although insulating
water pipes, tanks, and cooling tower may not prevent water from freezing, these
devices are to be insulated and, if noted on the drawings, heat traced for protection
against damage. The proper thickness or conductivity factor for this insulation and the
watts/linear foot (watts/linear meter) for heat tracing are to be determined by the design
engineer. For Army projects, do not provide water or waste piping in exterior walls or
attic spaces where there is danger of freezing. For Air Force projects, if piping is to be
installed in exterior walls, the designer must show that the exterior wall design will
prevent water or waste piping from experiencing freezing conditions. For Air Force
projects, do not provide water or waste piping in attic spaces where there is danger of
SECTION 305.6.1 Sewer depth. Replace with the following: "Building
sewers that connect to private sewage disposal systems shall be a minimum of ____
inch (____ mm) below finished grade at the point of septic tank connection. Building
sewers shall be a minimum of ___ inch (____mm) below grade."
SECTION 312.4 Drainage and vent final test. At
the end of
the first
sentence delete "where necessary for cause" and replace it with "or peppermint test".
At the end of the section add: "If a peppermint test is chosen the contractor should be
required to submit a testing procedure for approval."
Add "SECTION 313.2 Energy conservation. Design systems containing
electric water heaters, gas water heaters, solar water heaters, air-to-water heat pump
water heaters, and water-to-water heat pump water heaters in accordance with the
ASHRAE Handbook Series (appropriate Chapters), ASHRAE Standard 90.1, Energy
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential and DOE-FEMP (appropriate
SECTION 401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections. Add after the last
sentence: "Fixtures employing continuous flow devices and fixtures that are subject to
backflow are prohibited. Continuous flow devices cannot be used for water
conservation reasons."
SECTION 401.3 Water conservation. Add after the last sentence: "Water
conservation fixtures conforming to the International Plumbing Code (IPC) will be used
except where the sewer system will not adequately dispose of the waste material on the
reduced amount of water. DOE - FEMP water conservation requirements are, for
certain fixtures, more restrictive than Section 604.4. Designers have the option to
design to DOE - FEMP water conservation requirements for areas of the country that
restrict water usage. The owner or owner's representative should be consulted before
specifying water conservation fixtures that are more restrictive than Section 604.4."