UFC 3-420-01
25 October 2004
Including changes 1 and 2, October 2006
Design Basis. Basis for design will consist of:
(1) Building population (number of males and number of females).
(2) Plumbing fixture determination, listing quantity and types of fixtures
(3) Fixture units for drainage, venting, cold and hot water piping.
(4) Roof areas used in determining storm drainage pipe sizes.
(5) Capacities of all equipment and tanks.
Calculations. Show calculations clearly so that any changes that become
necessary during construction or re-siting are made efficiently. When tables used in the
design are taken from publications, indicate the title, source, and date of the publication.
Provide the model number and manufacturer of each major piece of equipment for
which space was allocated.
DRAWINGS. The drawings will be accurate, to scale and follow the Tri-
Service A/E/C CADD Standard. Provide large-scale details of congested area on the
drawings, with dimensions locating all work relative to structural features of the building.
Show fixtures, equipment, and piping in their proper locations. Show riser diagrams of
soil, waste, drain, and vent stacks and water risers for all buildings in excess of one
story. Calculate the grade of drain lines and establish invert elevations. Provide each
set of drawings with a legend covering symbols and abbreviations as indicated in
ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals. Where practical, group all notes, legends, and
schedules at the right of the drawings above the title block. Unless directed otherwise,
graphic symbols must be in accordance with ANSI Standard Y32.4, Graphic Symbols
for Plumbing Fixtures for Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction.
Water Service. Unless directed otherwise, place the following note on the
applicable drawing: "Water pipe sizes are based on a minimum working pressure of ___
[kPa (psig)] at a flow rate of___ [L/s (gpm)] at the location where the main service
enters the building." When water pressure is not known, assume pressure to be the
pressure that will not exceed the required minimum residual pressure, plus allowances
for pressure due to friction and pressure required for elevation of the highest water
Equipment Schedules. Unless directed otherwise, include equipment
schedules on the drawings. The following are typical schedules and data provided on
these schedules:
(1) Hot water circulating pumps:
(a) Capacity in L/s (gpms).
(b) Total head in meters (feet).
(d) Volts, phase, hertz.
(e) RPM
(2) Ejector or sump pump:
(a) Capacity in L/s (gpm).
(b) Total dynamic head in meters (feet).