UFC 3-420-01
25 October 2004
Including changes 1 and 2, October 2006
PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This UFC provides guidance in the design of
plumbing systems, together with the criteria for selecting plumbing materials, fixtures,
and equipment and is applicable to all elements of the Department of Defense (DoD)
charged with planning military construction. This UFC provides minimum standards to
safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling
the design, construction, installation, quality of materials, location, operation, and use of
plumbing systems. It is not the intent of this manual to duplicate information contained
in the standards cited herein, but to reference them as appropriate (see Appendix A.)
APPLICABILITY. This UFC applies to all service elements and contractors
involved in the design and construction of plumbing systems for use in facilities of all
branches of service. A plumbing system consists of the water supply distribution
system; fixtures, and fixture traps; soil, waste, and vent piping; storm water drainage;
acid and industrial waste disposal systems; and special gases (medical and oxygen)
systems. The plumbing system extends from connections within a structure to a point
1.5 m (5.0 ft) outside the structure. Additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs to a
plumbing system must conform to that required for a new plumbing system without
requiring the existing plumbing system to comply with all the requirements of this
manual. Do not execute additions, alterations, or repairs that cause an existing
plumbing system to become unsafe, hazardous, or overloaded.
GLOSSARY. Appendix B contains a glossary of acronyms used in this
REFERENCES. Appendix C contains a list of references used in this
Model Code Organizations. Three major voluntary consensus building code
organizations jointly organized the International Code CouncilTM (ICC), which issued the
International Plumbing Code (IPC). They are the Building Officials and Code
Administrators International (BOCA); International Conference of Building Officials
(ICBO); and the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI).
Public Law 104-113. Public Law 104-113, The National Technology Transfer
Act of 1995, requires the Federal agencies and departments to adopt voluntary
consensus standards whenever possible.
International Plumbing Code. The availability of the IPC allows the DoD
to comply with Public Law 104-113 by adopting the IPC. Sufficient familiarity to the
Architects and Engineers, and the Construction Contractor is assured by the broad
usage of the IPC and the prior plumbing codes of the three code organizations of the