TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
to prevent plugging, reduce abrasions, or
(3) Utilizing a primary and secondary collector in
reduce the dust loading to the secondary
series provides some flexibility to the system
collector. The addition of a precleaner adds
in the event there is a failure of one of the
pressure drop and costs, and should only be
f. Wet vs. dry collection. Factors to be taken into
applied where the performance of the
secondary is inadequate without a primary
consideration in a comparison of wet and dry collection
collector of the type proposed.
(2) Mechanical collectors of the multicyclone
-- Solubility of aerosol
type are usually the first choice for primary
-- Ultimate pH of scrubbing liquor
collector service. They are low cost; provide
-- Liquor corrosion and erosion potential
reliable collection of large diameter
-- Special metals or protective coatings
suspended solids in the 85 percent collection
-- Availability of make-up water
efficiency range; and can be specified in a
-- Disposal and treatment of waste water
wide variety of wear resistant metals. There
-- Space required for liquid-handling equipment
are very few NSPS applications where the
-- -Vapor plume visibility
single or (in series) double mechanical
-- Operating and installed costs
collector can meet the particulate emission
-- Maintenance and operation
g. Summary. A summary of the general guidelines in
standards. Consequently, a final cleaning
device of high efficiency on small size
the selection of emission control equipment for boiler
particulate should follow the mechanical
flue gases is provided in table 12-3.