e) Prevalence of skilled plant operators in the area. This is
critical in remote locations. HTW system operators require more skill to make
the system operate efficiently.
f) Complexity of controls and ability of system to maintain
fluctuating or constant temperature conditions through the assigned or
existing heat transfer equipment.
Fuel Selection
Selection. Refer to MIL-HDBK-1190, Facility Planning and Design
Guide, NAVFACINST 10343.1A, Navy Special, Navy Distillate and Marine Diesel
Fuel Oils; On-Shore Use of, NAVFACINST 10340.4C, Coal Requirements and
Requisitions, OPNAVINST 4100.6, Energy Financing and Source Selection Criteria
for Shore Facilities, and Navy policy on selection of fuels. Select fuels
which are within the National guide lines and which produce the required
performance at lowest life cycle costs. The fuel policy has been to use a
solid domestically produced fuel as a primary fuel for heating plants of
medium size and above except where use of a solid fuel is not feasible because
of geographic considerations. Existing plants burning fuel oil or gas may
continue to burn fuel oil or gas. New or replacement boilers in plants with
design input over the threshold minimum established by Government policy, are
required to burn solid fuel. Another fuel may be used when the primary fuel
is not available or where it is critical to keep the steam plant in operation
on an emergency basis.
Characteristics. For properties of various fuels, characteristics
of handling equipment, and types of firing equipment, refer to Section 5.
When oil is used the boiler should be capable of conversion to grades No. 2
through No. 6 oil.
Codes and Regulations
Conformance. It is mandatory for the Federal Government to conform
to Federal, State, and local air and water pollution abatement codes. Section
6 provides information on selecting pollution control equipment and systems.
National Industry Codes. Where applicable, design shall conform to
the industry codes including the following:
a) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code,
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards,
American Petroleum Institute (API),
d) National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels (NBBI),
Inspection Code,