Table 1
Plant Design Considerations
* Load Characteristics
Affects number, size, and type of boilers.
Boiler performance requirements. (Turn down
ratio and response to load swings.)
* Fuels
Affects type of boiler fuel handling and
* Availability of water
Affects type of water treatment required.
* Electric Service
Affects type of auxiliaries. Will require emer-
gency generator if continuous service is critical.*
* Plant Location
Building cost; altitude affects air density and
stack height. Local regulations affect type of
fuel and required pollution abatement equipment. *
Minimum Load. The plant shall operate efficiently at minimum
loads. The following variables can be manipulated to meet minimum load
a) Type of fuel and method of combustion. This will determine
operating ranges of combustion control turn-down which may range from 8:1 to
3:1. The boiler turn-down must include the minimum load. By changing burner
tips in oil firing, low minimum loads can be obtained.
b) Number of boilers. More smaller boilers will lower the minimum
plant capacity. This option should not be considered if plant would require
more than four equal capacity boilers.
c) Minimum load boiler/boilers. Where the difference between a
minimum plant steam demand and minimum boiler load with main boilers is large,
a small, packaged boiler unit with its own boiler feed pumps should be used to
provide low plant capacities.
Operating Pressure. Select a plant operating pressure which
provides adequate pressure at any user outlet and allows for the pressure
drops through piping in the building, distribution system, boiler plant, and
the dry piping in the boiler steam drum. Boiler design pressure should be 250
psi (1725 kPa) minimum for all water tube boiler applications. For all other
applications, the design pressure should be determined in accordance with the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Modify pressures when it is economical
and practicable to distribute steam at pressures below or above those
indicated by this manual.