Table 2
Advantages and Disadvantages of HTW Plants and Steam Plants
High Temperature Water
* 1. Minimal system water loss; therefore 1. Steam system operation more *
familiar to most operators. *
makeup primarily required for losses
from pump glands, valve packing,
expansion tank overflow.
* 2. Supply and return water thermal
energy is retained in system
3. Provides energy for uses
and not lost through leaking
traps, condensate losses, PRV
turbine driven equipment.
stations and flashing.
* 3. If desirable or necessary,
4. Fewer and less complicated
heat storage in system will
allow continued operation
for a period of time after
5. Usually considered safer
due to possibility of highly *
heat input has been cut off.
dangerous rupture with HTW. *
* 4. Temperatures of the HTW and space
conditions can be closely controlled.
* 5. Systems will respond to quick
load swings.
* 6. Heat storage (fly wheel) effect can
* 7. Water treatment requirements are
minimal in closed circulation loop
* 8. No deaeration required.
* 9. No steam traps or pressure reducing
stations required.
* 10. Distribution system can more nearly
follow natural topography.
* 11. Boiler blowdown not required for HTW