UFC 3-440-01
14 June 2002
be configured to allow easy access by operation and maintenance (O&M) personnel.
The designer will minimize piping distances, both to the array and to the load.
Design. Whenever possible, the solar system equipment room will house
solar storage tank, heat exchanger, expansion tank, pumps, control system, and related
plumbing. The backup heating system will also be located in the equipment room. The
room will be sized to allow O&M personnel to move about freely and replace equipment
as necessary. A floor drain will be provided near the storage tank relief valve. Control
panels will be installed in easily accessible areas and will be clearly visible.
Structural Engineer
Array Support System. The structural engineer (or project designer, if
qualified) is responsible for the design of the array support structure once the architect
has decided on a roof type. This step includes deciding if a flush roof-mounted or
elevated rack-type support will be used and the type of materials and finish to be
considered for the structure.
Roof Loading. The roof loads due to the array are point loads, and depend
on the collector array layout and the type of array support structure used. By knowing
the array layout (the width, length, and approximate spacing of the array) and the
proposed roof design and array support structure, the structural engineer and architect
can determine the best proposed roof support mechanism.