UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
construction requirements will vary with the application. Refer to National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids, NFPA 30A, Automotive and Marine
Service Station Code, and Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) 2085, Standard for Protected Aboveground
Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, for standards to follow. Tanks placed next to
buildings must follow standards for protected secondary contained tanks. They should have both an
inner and outer steel tank. See MIL-HDBK-1022A for details since the fire resistance of some
popular tanks (including GSA listed) does not meet DoD requirements.
3.12.3. Fire Protection Requirements. NFPA 30 requires an approved emergency shutoff valve with
a fusible link or other thermally actuated device designed to close automatically if there is a severe
impact or fire exposure. The fusible link valve must be installed in the supply line at the base of each
dispenser receiving fuel from a submersible pump or aboveground storage tank. NFPA 30 also
requires the use of a dry break swivel between the hose and the nozzle of both the self-contained and
submersible pump dispensing units.
3.12.4. Meters: Description. The meter is generally a three- or four-cylinder positive-displacement type
designed especially for use in gasoline-dispensing pumps. Under normal use it requires very little
attention. Maintenance and Repair.
Meters are maintained according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Calibration. Meters are satisfactory for further operation when the error of the meter
does not exceed 0.2% of the total quantity delivered (0.2% of 18.9 liters [5 gallons] equals
37.8 cubic centimeters [2.31 cubic inches]).