UFC 3 -520-01
June 10, 2002
14- Install safety signs inside and outside of the battery area prohibiting smoking,
sparks, or flame.
14- Inspect all cells for damage before installation. Verify that the cells were
stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
14- Apply an initial charge in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations after installation.
14- Take a baseline set of intercell and termination resistances and include this
information in the annual inspection procedure as future acceptance criteria.
14- Baseline internal ohmic measurements should be taken for VRLA batteries
in accordance with IEEE 1187.
14- An acceptance test, in accordance with IEEE 450, IEEE 1188, or IEEE
1106, as applicable, is recommended as part of the installation if the manufacturer did
not perform an acceptance test before shipment.
14- If a VRLA battery is installed, all manufacturer's recommendations for the
installation and operation of the battery should be closely reviewed. The installed
location and configuration must comply with the manufacturer's requirements.
This section applies to stand -alone battery chargers that are installed for dc
systems. UPS systems also contain battery charging capability; however, the charger is
designed for operation as part of the UP S power module.
Use single-phase chargers for smaller applications. Rate single -phase
battery chargers for 240 volts single phase, unless only 120 volts is available. Three-
phase chargers should be used if the charger's dc output current rating will be greater
than 75 amperes. Unless the battery has specific requirements to the contrary, all
chargers should be of the constant voltage type.
Regardless of the type selected, each charger should at least have the
following features:
Output voltage regulation of 0.5 percent.
Float and equalize charge adjustment capability with a timer for an equalize charge.
Input and output circuit breaker protection.