UFC 3 -520-01
June 10, 2002
Liquid dielectrics used in capacitors must be non-PCB mineral oil or other
less flammable liquid type. Do not use tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) and
1,2,4, trichlorobenzen fluids.
C-4.10 Provide all capacitors used for power factor correction with an automatic
means of draining the stored charge after the capacitor is disconnected from its source
of supply.
C-4.11 Power capacitors can fail in such a manner to cause "noise" on
communication lines. Ensure that capacitors are not located near communications
Information Sources. The following references provide additional
information regarding power factor correction:
IEEE 18--provides information regarding the ratings and testing of capacitors.
IEEE 141--provides a detailed technical overview of power factor correction.
IEEE 519--addresses power factor correction in a nonlinear load environment.
IEEE 1036--provides application guidelines for shunt power capacitors and is
intended for 2,400 volts and higher, although the principles apply to lower voltage
applications also.
NEC Article 460--provides marking, installation, protection, and grounding
requirements for capacitors.
NEMA MG 1--provides recommendations regarding the application of capacitors to
motor circuits.