UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
qualify the project. All of the credits outline quantifiable and verifiable criteria. The
lighting design for a project currently affects several credits and prerequisites:
Sustainable Sites Credit 8, Light Pollution Reduction; Energy and Atmosphere
Prerequisite 2, Minimum Energy Performance, Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance;
and Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 6, Controllability of Systems and Credit 8,
Daylight and Views. Refer to the latest version of the LEEDTM rating system for exact
3-2.3.1 Sustainable Sites Credit 8, Light Pollution Reduction. This credit addresses
exterior site lighting and its contribution to light pollution and potential for light trespass.
These issues are addressed in Chapter 3 "Sustainability Issues" along with strategies to
minimize both.
3-2.3.2 Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite 2, Minimum Energy Performance. This
prerequisite requires that the provisions of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 be met as a minimum
baseline of building energy efficiency.
3-2.3.3 Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance. This credit
addresses the overall building energy consumption. Because lighting can be a
significant electrical load and also a cooling load on the HVAC system, reducing the
lighting energy use minimizes the total building energy requirements. Strategies
source selection all serve to reduce the energy used by the lighting system.
3-2.3.4 Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 6, Controllability of Systems. Building
occupants prefer to have control over their interior environment including the lighting
system. This credit requires a certain degree of control per unit area of the lighting.
3-2.3.5 Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 8, Daylight and Views. The controlled
introduction of daylight into interior spaces reduces the lighting energy requirement and
improves the comfort of the occupants. This credit outlines requirements for access to
daylight and to view glazing within a space.
Sustainable Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT). The SPiRiT system is based on the
LEEDTM 2.0 rating system.2 However, the number of points given for each credit is
revised and additional credits are added so that the possible points total 100. The
categories are the same except Innovation and Design Process is replaced with three
additional categories: Facility Delivery Process, Current Mission, and Future Missions.
3-2.4.1 Facility Delivery Process, Holistic Deliver of Facility. This credit requires that
building systems (including lighting) be evaluated on a life cycle cost basis rather than
first cost alone.
"The Sustainable Project Rating Tool", US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and
Development Center, June 2002 <http://www.cecer.army.mil/sustdesign/SPiRiT.cfm>