UFC 3-535-01
17 November 2005
The L-868 bases for in-pavement RGLs should be installed such that a line through one
pair of boltholes on opposite sides of the base is parallel to the runway holding position
marking. Each fixture is installed so that the light beam faces away from the runway and
is perpendicular to the runway holding position marking within a tolerance of 1 degree.
For some pavement configurations, it may be necessary to orient the lights at some
angle to the marking. To accomplish this, install a 12 bolt-holebase using the above
procedure. This allows the light fixtures to be adjusted 30 degrees left or right, as
Location of Elevated RGLs
Elevated RGLs are collocated with the runway holding position marking and are
normally installed on each side of the taxiway. Generally, elevated RGLs should be
located as close as practical to the taxiway edge to maximize their conspicuity. The
distance from the defined taxiway edge to the near side of an installed light fixture
should be 3 to 5 meters (10 to 17 feet). In order to avoid undesirable spots, the RGL
may be moved up to 3 meters (10 feet) farther from the runway, but may not be moved
toward the runway. If a stop bar is installed at the runway holding position, the elevated
RGL should be located at least 1 meter (3 feet, 6 inches) outboard of the elevated stop
bar light. The RGL should not be located where it will interfere with the readability of the
runway holding position sign.
Light Beam Orientation for Elevated RGLs
RGLs should be oriented to maximize the visibility of the light by pilots of aircraft
approaching the runway holding position. In general, the orientation should be specified
by the design engineer to aim the center of the light beam toward the aircraft cockpit,
when the aircraft is between 45 meters (150 feet) and 60 meters (200 feet) from the
holding position, along the predominant taxi path to the holding position. The vertical
aiming angle should be set between 5 degrees and 10 degrees above the horizontal.
The designer should specify aiming of the lights such that the steady burning intensity at
all viewing positions between 45 meters (150 feet) and 60 meters (200 feet) from the
holding position is at least 300 cd when operated at the highest intensity step. (Refer to
FAA AC 150/5345-46 for specifications for the light intensity and beamspread of the L-
804 RGL fixture.) If these criteria cannot be met for all taxi paths to the holding position,
consider the following: use of multiple fixtures aimed to adequately cover the different
taxi paths, use of in-pavement fixtures to increase the viewing coverage, or aiming the
single fixtures on each side of the holding position to optimize the illumination of the
predominant taxi path.
Install the hold position edge lights (Wig-Wag) fixtures on light bases, or on conduit set
in concrete foundations, using frangible supports. The transformers, or power supply
unit may be placed in the same light fixture base. The light emitted must be aviation
yellow, and alternately flash 50 to 60 times per minute. The illumination period of each
flash must not be less than 1/2 or more than 2/3 of the total cycle. See Figure 13-25 for
a typical fixture.
Power, Control and Monitoring