UFC 3-535-01
17 November 2005
Table 14-2. Checklist for In-pavement Lights (Cont.)
____ c. Is the conduit or wire properly secured in the saw kerf before adding the
[acceptable wedges at proper spacing.]
d. If required, is flexible conduit used to terminate rigid conduit at the base?
e. Are expansion joints installed in conduit where required?
____ f. Are the secondary wires before sealing and connecting to transformers being
being recorded?
Final Inspection
____ 1. Are all the lenses clean and dry?
____ 2. Are colored filters installed in accordance with the plans?
____ 3. Are the L-823 connectors of proper size and do they properly fit the cable?
____ 4. Has taping/heat shrink for field attached connectors been applied properly, per
____ 5. Are base spacers, rings, gaskets installed for correct elevation relative to pavement,
and are bolts securing fixture stainless steel and properly torqued?
____ 6. Has all excess epoxy been removed so that no epoxy is left above the pavement?
Have all dams at rigid pavement joints been removed from the kerfs before pouring
the pavement joint sealer?
____ 7. Is the level of epoxy and joint sealer around the lights and in the saw kerfs in
accordance with plans and specifications? [Epoxy should not be allowed to contact
and bond to edge of fixture.]
____ 8. Are the bases dry? Water in bases may be unavoidable due to high ground water or
other conditions, and design may include drainage provisions. If so, are drainage
provisions in place and functional?
9. Are all the lights operating?