Table 29
EPA Emission Sampling Techniques1
* EPA Method
To determine:
* #1
Sampling site and the minimum number of sampling
points required for the extraction of a representative *
sample of flue gas from a stationary source.
* #2
Velocity and volumetric flow rate of flue gas.
* #3
carbon monoxide (CO), and oxygen (O2) in flue gas.
* #4
Moisture content of flue gas.
* #5
Particle emissions from stationary sources.
* #6
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration in flue gas.
* #7
All nitrogen oxides (NOx) in flue gas except
nitrous oxide (NO).
* #8
Sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) mist
concentrations in flue gas.
* #9
Opacity of visible emissions.
40 CFR 60, Appendix A.
Sampling ports will be approximately 4 inches in diameter, extend out
approximately 4 inches from the stack, and have a flanged removable cover. On double
wall stacks, sampling ports may consist of a 4-inch diameter pipe extending from 4
inches outside the stack to the inner edge of the inner stack wall. Sampling ports will
be accessible and located so that the cross-sectional area of the stack or flue can be
traversed to sample the flue gas. The sampling ports shall be provided and located in
accordance with the applicable current Federal or state regulations for fuel-burning
Water Quality Control
Waste Streams. The number and source of wastewater streams associated with a
fossil-fueled steam power plant are dependent upon such factors as fuel type, methods of
ash handling, SO2 removal method, and overall water usage and conservation measures.
Possible wastewater sources are listed hereinafter.