d) No discharge of dredge or fill material can be permitted which would
cause or contribute to significant degradation of any waters of the United States. The
guidelines specify that significantly adverse effects upon the following items must be
Human health and welfare.
Life stages of aquatic life and other wildlife dependent on aquatic
Aquatic ecosystem diversity, productivity, and stability.
Recreational, esthetic, and economic values.
e) No discharge of dredge or fill material can be permitted unless
appropriate and practicable steps have been taken which will minimize potential adverse
effects on the ecosystem.
Environmental Impact Statements NEPA. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that all major
Federal actions which significantly affect the quality of the human environment must be
accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which evaluates the following.
The environmental impact of the proposed action.
b) Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the
proposal be implemented.
Alternatives to the proposed actions.
d) The relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and
the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity.
e) Any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources which would
be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. CEQ. Federal regulations implementing NEPA have been promulgated by the
military facility would be a "major Federal action." A determination must be made
whether the Federal action "significantly affects" the quality of the human environment.
This determination of the significance of the project's impacts requires consideration
of the context and intensity of the effects of the entire project on the environment.