MIL-HDBK-1003/7 Class I Areas. A PSD permit will not be issued if the proposed source will
have an adverse impact on visibility within any protected Class I area or integral
vista. An adverse impact on visibility is defined as visibility impairment which
interferes with the management, protection, preservation, or enjoyment of a visitor's
experience of a mandatory Class I area. Ambient Air Data. An analysis of ambient air quality at the site must be
conducted as part of the PSD review. Consequently, the PSD permit application must
contain continuous air quality monitoring data for each pollutant emitted in excess of
the de minimis amounts. However, the monitoring requirement is waived for any pollutant
if the emissions from the proposed source would have maximum modeled air quality impacts
less than certain amounts specified by the EPA. Although a year of monitoring data is
usually required, a shorter period of data can be accepted if a complete and adequate
analysis can be performed. The EPA regulations specify that at least 4 months of
monitoring data are required.
EPA is granted a period of one year from receipt of a complete PSD permit
application to make a final determination. EPA will examine the initial PSD permit
application and within 30 days will advise the applicant of any deficiency in the
of receipt of the application is the date all information is provided, and not the
initial filing date. The general outline for consideration and issuance of the approval
is as follows.
a) A preliminary determination is made to approve, approve with conditions,
or disapprove the request.
b) Make available all materials provided by applicant, a copy of
preliminary determination, and other materials used.
c) Notify public of the application, determination, and amount of increment
consumed, and advise of opportunity for hearing.
Send a copy to other Federal, state, and local agencies.
e) Provide opportunity for public hearing on air quality impact,
alternative to the source, the control technology required, and other appropriate
Consider all comments and issue final determination. Nonattainment Areas. If the project's emissions significantly affect ambient
concentrations of a nonattainment pollutant within the nonattainment area, the project
will be subject to a nonattainment review for that pollutant. The project's emissions
are deemed to significantly affect a nonattainment area if the ambient air quality
impact of those emissions exceed the values shown in Table 33.