e) Affected Environment - This section must sufficiently describe the
environment of the area(s) to be affected or created by the alternatives under
f) Environmental Consequences - This section must include a discussion of
the environmental impacts of the proposal and its alternatives, any adverse
environmental effects which cannot be avoided, the relationship between the short-term
uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity,
and any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources. The discussion should
include direct and indirect effects and their significance, possible conflicts between
the proposal and the objectives of any affected governmental unit, environmental
potentials. Also include urban quality, historic, and cultural resources and the design
of the built environment, including the reuse and conservation potentials, mitigation
List of preparers
i) Appendices - This section consists of material which is prepared for,
substantiates, or is incorporated by reference in the EIS. Draft EIS. When the draft EIS is completed, it is filed with EPA. The EPA
then files a copy with the Council and publishes a notice in the Federal Register of the
filing. Coordination. The draft EIS is circulated to any other Federal agency which
has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact
involved; to any Federal, state, or local agency authorized to develop and enforce
environmental standards; and to anyone requesting the EIS. The minimum comment period
is 45 days. Resolution. The Navy must respond in the final EIS to all comments upon the
draft EIS. Possible responses are modifications to the alternatives including the
proposal; development and evaluation of new alternatives; supplements, improvements, or
modifications to its analyses; factual corrections; and explanations why the comment(s)
did not warrant further Navy response. Final Comment. The final EIS must also be circulated for comments to all
those who received copies of the draft as well as to those who made substantive comments
upon the draft EIS. The final EIS is filed with EPA. The EPA then files a copy with
the Council and publishes a notice in the Federal Register of the filing. Time Period. The Navy must consider its decision for at least 90 days after
the Federal Register notice of the filing of the draft EIS or 30 days after the Federal
Register notice of the filing of the final EIS, which is later. These periods may run