5) Feedwater temperature.
6) Feedwater pressure.
7) Superheat desuperheat spray flow.
8) Superheat desuperheat spray temperature.
9) Superheat desuperheat spray pressure.
10) Blowdown flow.
11) Auxiliary steam flow.
12) Auxiliary steam temperature.
13) Auxiliary steam pressure.
14) Sootblowing steam flow.
15) Main steam temperature.
16) Main steam pressure.
17) Cold reheat steam pressure.
18) Cold reheat steam temperature.
19) Hot reheat steam pressure.
20) Hot reheat steam temperature.
In addition to these measured parameters, cold reheat flow is required.
This can be determined under the turbine generator test.
b) As a result of calculations based on PTC 4.1 methods, the following
performance parameters can be quantified.
2) Input.
3) Output.
4) Steam temperature and control range.
5) Capacity.