UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
Ensure the workers and the vehicle operator are aware of step potential hazards near
vehicles as well as near permanent and temporary ground rods and electrodes.
Diggers, cranes, and other work vehicles must be bonded, if practical, to the common
temporary or permanent ground electrode provided when performing work on
deenergized circuits. Ground vehicles in accordance with Table 7-6 and Figure 7-2.
Table 7-6. Procedures for Grounding Insulated and Uninsulated Aerial Lift Trucks
Insulated boom vehicles
Bond the vehicle to a separate driven ground rod
located about midway on one side and as close to
the vehicle as practical. If possible, keep insulated
vehicles and their ground rods at least 10 ft (3 m)
away from the structure grounding system to
minimize step and touch potentials. If workers can
simultaneously contact two or more separately
grounded systems, the systems will be bonded
Uninsulated boom and other
Bond the uninsulated boom and all other vehicles
electrical work vehicles
directly involved in electrical work to the grounded
system using a grounding cable rated for the
maximum available fault current.
Tensioning vehicles
Vehicles used to pull and hold tension on the
conductor or overhead ground wire must be
properly bonded to a structure ground or a
temporary ground rod. Stay on the vehicle or at
least 10 ft (3 m) away from the vehicle ground when