EI 01D010
1 September 1997
concerns, contingencies by feature or subfeature, if
components for each bid item and by the appropriate
appropriate, and effective dates and sources for
Work Breakdown Structure. Distribution of
labor, equipment and material pricing.
overhead and profit is shown on this sheet.
d. Construction Schedule. The cost engineer
will prepare a construction schedule to support the
demobilization. These costs should be itemized and
cost estimate that is consistent with the schedule for
costed separately. These costs may be combined at
completion of the project. It may be in the form of a
summary level with overhead if these costs are not
bar chart or network analysis system ,or may be
paid as a separate bid item. This item may be shown
prepared using the MCACES Scheduling Interface
as a lump sum on the bid schedule.
module; but it must identify the sequence and
duration of the tasks upon which the cost estimate is
d. Profit computation sheet. When profit is
developed. The schedule must be prepared in
included, the weighted guidelines will be used to
sufficient detail to adequately develop the required
compute the profit and will be part of the cost
labor, equipment, crew sizes, and production rates
estimate backup.
required for each of the identified construction tasks.
e. Overhead costs. The itemization and
e. Equipment and materials utilization. On
calculations of overhead costs, both job site and
those projects involving considerable heavy
home office, should be accomplished in accordance
construction equipment, it is necessary to sufficiently
with chapter 10.
plan the equipment usage against the work schedule
to identify the actual number of cranes, dozers, and
f. Bond costs. Bond costs should be calculated in
accordance with chapter 12. Distribution is made to
for the equipment is not over or understated. For
bid items similar to or as part of overhead costs
equipment selected from EP 1110-1-8, Equipment
Ownership Schedule, indicate the region and date of
the equipment schedule used for pricing the
g. MCACES detail sheets. The completed
equipment. Materials which require long lead-time
direct costs should be organized in the proper
and can become critical to the construction schedule
sequence by the appropriate Work Breakdown
should be noted, planned, and adequately considered.
Structure for each bid item.
f. Labor discussion and utilization. The
h. Production rates. The MCACES or
estimate should clearly state the sources for the
manually prepared details are used to express
various labor classifications and rates and include a
production rate analysis of crews. See chapter 6 for
tabulation by crafts of the various composite wage
further discussion.
rates used. When extensive overtime beyond the
normal work day is used in the estimate, an
i. Crew, labor, equipment rates. These
explanation should be included.
MCACES or manually prepared details are used to
for labor and equipment costs. The information
4-4. Government Estimate Backup Data
contained on these sheets provides the backup
support for the task unit labor and equipment costs
a. This part of the estimate consists of all the
support and backup documentation. The various
categories of support documentation contained in
this part are:
organized by task for the bid items and kept as
b. Cost analysis summary sheets. The MCACES
backup. The take-off should reference the drawing
or manually prepared summary sheets for direct,
and clearly explain the computation.
indirect and owner costs are used to summarize cost