EI 01D010
1 September 1997
k. Quotations. Quotations should be collected
and material classifications, are not part of the
and compiled by task or bid item into an organized
Government estimate or backup.
reference. When quotations were not obtained for
significant material and supply items, the basis for
4-6. Requirements for Revision to
the cost used should be fully described. Quotations
Government Estimate for Bidding
should be considered proprietary information and
should be kept confidential to protect the information
Prior to award, the Government estimate may be
entrusted to the cost engineer.
changed or revised as a result of errors, differing
conditions or additional information. Approval
4-5. Miscellaneous Support Data
authority for revision to the estimate remains the
responsibility of the Contracting Officer or
a. Include all other information pertinent to the
authorized original estimate approving official.
estimate such as drawings and sketches which were
Each office should assure that appropriate
used as the basis of the cost estimate. Drawings may
include a project map showing the location of the
Estimates may be revised by supplementary sheets or
work with respect to principal cities, roads, railways,
by actually changing the contents of the original
and waterways; a site map showing the location of
estimate pages. The method used will be determined
the work, borrow, quarry, and spoil areas, and
by the nature of the revision and the format of the
existing work access roads; any existing facilities
estimate. Whichever the method, all revisions to the
usable by the contractor; a general plan and
estimate must be clearly indicated, dated, justified,
elevation, or profile of the work with typical
and approved. A new signature sheet relating both
sections; and a construction layout.
the previously approved total and revised total will
be re-approved. A copy of each estimate that has
b. Supporting documents that are publicly
been approved should be included in a file along
available as part of the solicitation, such as plans,
with the details and circumstances reflecting the
specifications and project description, or that contain
no cost information, such as sketches, soil boring