EI 01D010
1 September 1997
materials and equipment; increase from extending
d. Revision of the Government estimate may
the contract for labor cost and subsistence; increase
be necessary as a result of an error, changed
from a longer period of equipment rentals or use;
conditions, or additional information. Approval
increase from a longer period of utilizing overhead
authority for revisions to the estimate remains the
personnel, materials, and utilities; and increase from
responsibility of the Contracting Officer or
a longer period of providing overhead and project
authorized original estimate approving official.
office services.
When the Government estimate is changed during or
subsequent to conferences or negotiations, the details
g. Impact costs should only be included by
of the basis for the revision or changes in price shall
detailed itemization and only after having been
be fully explained and documented in the price
found to be valid.
negotiation memorandum, see EFAR 36.203(102).
A copy of each estimate that has been approved
should be included in the official modification file
14-8. Support for the Negotiations
along with the details and circumstances causing the
a. Before participating as part of a negotiating
team, the cost engineer must become thoroughly
14-9. HTRW Program Specific
familiar with negotiating requirements and
techniques. The expertise and support of the cost
engineer can be very beneficial in major and
complex changes.
a. Special types of contracts have been
developed to accomplish work for HTRW
b. Many of the costs that are presented in the
remediation. The following list discusses these
contractor's proposal breakdown must be reviewed
contracts in very broad terms to aid the cost engineer
for allowability. Of those costs found allowable,
to be aware of the various special contracts and
each item must further be reviewed for applicability
significant features and intended use of each. These
for that portion relevant to the particular change.
contracts are not necessarily available for use by all
The auditor has primary responsibility for this
divisions and districts. This summary is not
determination and should advise the negotiation
intended to aid in a decision as to the
team accordingly. For those cases where the auditor
appropriateness of a specific type for a specific
is not directly involved, the negotiation team must
remediation, but only to aid the cost engineer in
base their decisions on regulatory guidance and the
awareness of the type of contracts that may be
best expertise available. In accomplishing the
available for use. The list includes contracts for
review of the proposal, the cost engineer should
studies and investigations, remedial design, and
remain constantly aware of the contractor's profit
remedial action (construction). As new technologies
motivation. The Government must consider all
and methods of clean-up are developed, it is
reasonable costs anticipated to be incurred by the
expected that new specific remediation contracts will
be developed; therefore, the following list will likely
change over time.
c. In some cases, portions of the cost estimate
may be revealed only to the extent determined
b. Environmental Compliance Assessment
necessary by the negotiator to settle disputed items of
System Contracts (ECAS). These are Cost-Plus
work. The total of the Government estimate will not
Award Fee (CPAF), Architect Engineer Indefinite
be released during negotiations. On occasion,
Delivery Type (AEIDT) contracts for environmental
important information has been revealed through
assessments at installations or facilities (Army
negligence by allowing the estimate to lay open upon
Installations, Air Force Bases).
the negotiation table. The "For Official Use Only"
designation will be removed after issuance of a
c. Rapid response contracts. These are Cost-
signed modification.
Plus (CP), Indefinite Delivery Type contracts, one
year plus four one-year options to perform time-