EI 01D010
1 September 1997
critical removal actions as defined by CERCLA.
options and either firm-fixed price or cost
Work on-site is typically initiated within 45 days.
reimbursable delivery orders.
Either Service Act rates or Davis-Bacon wage rates
are paid based on the nature of the work. This
f. Preplaced Architect-Engineer Indefinite
contract provides on-site remedial action and
Delivery Type contracts. These are preplaced
minimal design services.
design contracts with base plus four one-year
d. Immediate response contracts. These
contracts provide immediate response to cleanup,
remove, stabilize, etc., of hazardous substances. The
(TERC). These are Indefinite Delivery Type
contracts are CP type that require the contractor to
contracts to accomplish design, investigations, and
respond within 72 hours of notice to clean up a site.
construction for HTRW remediations.
These are not the Emergency Response Actions
contracts that perform within 24 hours to an incident
h. Disposal or environmental contracts.
or spill. The Immediate Response contract provides
These are typically preplaced Indefinite Delivery
a permanent solution to the incidence.
Type contracts. Disposal contracts can be HTRW or
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
e. Pre-placed Remedial Action Contracts
type contracts which provide for long-term disposal
(PPRA). These are preplaced contracts to
at approved sites. Environmental contacts can be for
accomplish remedial action. No provisions are
the transportation or collection of HTRW type
included for design. These are indefinite delivery
order contracts with a base plus four one-year