UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Standoff distance. A distance maintained between a building or portion thereof and
the potential location for an explosive detonation.
Structure group. A cluster of expeditionary or temporary structures consisting of
multiple rows of individual structures with 200 or fewer DoD personnel.
Structural glazed window systems. Window systems in which glazing is bonded to
both sides of the window frame using an adhesive such as a high-strength, high-
performance silicone sealant.
Superstructure. The supporting elements of a building above the foundation.
Temporary structures. Those structures that are erected with an expected occupancy
of 3 years or less. This group of structures typically includes wood frame and rigid wall
construction, and such things as Southeast Asia (SEA) Huts, hardback tents, ISO and
CONEX containers, pre-engineered buildings, trailers, stress tensioned shelters,
Expandable Shelter Containers (ESC), and Aircraft Hangars (ACH).
TNT equivalent weight. The weight of TNT (trinitrotoluene) that has an equivalent
energetic output to that of a different weight of another explosive compound.
Transitional structures and spaces. Structures or spaces within buildings that are
used to temporarily (less than 1 year) relocate occupants of another building while that
building undergoes renovations, modifications, repairs, or restorations.
Unobstructed space. Space within 10 meters (33 feet) of an inhabited building that
does not allow for concealment from observation of explosive devices 150 mm (6
inches) or greater in height.