UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
New Inhabited Buildings. The minimum standoff distance for all new
buildings regardless of hardening or analysis is the minimum standoff distance in Table
B-1 for both parking areas and roadways.
Existing Inhabited Buildings. Where possible, move parking and
roadways away from existing inhabited buildings (including leased buildings) in
accordance with the standoff distances and explosive weights in Table B-1. It is
recognized, however, that moving existing parking areas and roadways or applying
structural retrofits may be impractical; therefore, the following operational options are
provided for existing inhabited buildings:
B- Controlled Parking Areas. Controlled parking associated with existing
inhabited buildings may be allowed to be as close as the minimum standoff distance in
Table B-1 without hardening or analysis if access control to the parking area is
established at the applicable conventional construction standoff distance for parking in
Table B-1. In cases where the applicable level of protection can be provided (based on
hardening or analysis) with a standoff distance between the conventional construction
standoff distance and the minimum standoff distance, parking may be allowed as close
as the minimum standoff distance in Table B-1 if parking is controlled at that lesser
applicable standoff distance subject to the following:
B- Parking Within a Controlled Perimeter. The applicable conventional
construction or minimum standoff distance at which access will be controlled will be
based on the standoff distances for parking and roadways within a controlled perimeter
in Table B-1 and illustrated in Figure B-3 for the applicable building category.
B- Parking Without a Controlled Perimeter. The applicable conventional
construction or minimum standoff distance at which access will be controlled will be
based on the standoff distances for parking and roadways without a controlled
perimeter in Table B-1 and illustrated in Figure B-4 for the applicable building category.
B- Alternate Situations. Controlled parking may be allowed to be closer to
existing inhabited buildings where conditions necessitate it and where it can be shown
through analysis that the required level of protection can be provided at a lesser
standoff distance or if it can be provided through building hardening or other mitigating
measures or retrofits. Allowing any parking closer than the distances established in the
paragraphs above should be avoided wherever possible, however.
B- Parking on Existing Roadways. Parking along roadways is subject to
the same standoff considerations as other parking. Ensure that there is no parking on
roadways within the required standoff distances (conventional construction or minimum
in accordance with Table B-1 and illustrated in Figures B-3 and B-4) along existing
roads adjacent to existing buildings covered by these standards.
B- Parking for Family Housing. For high occupancy family housing within a
controlled perimeter or where there is access control to the parking area, parking within
the required standoff distances may be allowed where designated parking spaces are
assigned for specific residents or residences. Do not label assigned parking spaces