UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
available, harden trash enclosures to mitigate the direct blast effects and secondary
fragment effects of the explosive on the building if the applicable level of protection can
be proven by analysis or testing. Alternatively, if trash containers or enclosures are
secured to preclude introduction of objects into them by unauthorized personnel, they
may be located closer to the building as long as they do not violate the unobstructed
space provisions of Standard 2. Openings in screening materials and gaps between the
ground and screens or walls making up an enclosure must not be greater than 150 mm
(6 inches).
Standard 2. Unobstructed Space. It is assumed that aggressors will not
attempt to place explosive devices in areas near buildings where these explosive
devices could be visually detected by building occupants observing the area around the
building. Therefore, ensure that obstructions within 10 meters (33 feet) of inhabited
buildings or portions thereof do not allow for concealment from observation of explosive
devices 150 mm (6 inches) or greater in height. This does not preclude the placement
of site furnishings or plantings around buildings. It only requires conditions such that
any explosive devices placed in that space would be observable by building occupants.
For existing buildings where the standoff distances for parking and roadways have been
established at less than 10 meters (33 feet) in accordance with paragraph B-, the
unobstructed space may be reduced to be equivalent to that distance.
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment. The preferred location of
packaged chillers is outside the unobstructed space or on the roof. However this
standard does not preclude placement within the unobstructed space as long the
equipment provides no opportunity for concealment of explosive devices.
Equipment and Trash Container Enclosures. If walls or other
screening devices with more than two sides are placed around trash containers or
electrical or mechanical equipment within the unobstructed space, enclose the trash
containers or equipment on all four sides and the top. Openings in screening materials
and gaps between the ground and screens or walls making up an enclosure will not be
greater than 150 mm (6 inches). Secure any surfaces of the enclosures that can be
opened so that unauthorized personnel cannot gain access through them.
Standard 3. Drive-Up/Drop-Off Areas. Some facilities require access to
areas within the required standoff distance for dropping off or picking up people or
loading or unloading packages and other objects. Examples that may require drive-
up/drop-off include, but are not limited to, medical facilities, exchanges and
Marking. Where operational or safety considerations require drive-up or
drop-off areas or drive-through lanes near buildings, ensure those areas or lanes are
clearly defined and marked and that their intended use is clear to prevent parking of
vehicles in those areas.
Unattended Vehicles. Do not allow unattended vehicles in drive-up or
drop-off areas or drive-through lanes.