UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
satisfies the minimum requirements of this standard when only the very low and low
levels of protection are required.
Alternate Path Method. The alternate path method is a direct design
method that provides resistance to progressive collapse by demonstrating the
structure's capacity to bridge over missing or deficient elements with only localized
damage. The alternate path method is applicable to higher levels of protection, but can
be used as an alternative design procedure to satisfy requirements of this standard.
Other Design Requirements. Other prescriptive design requirements,
such as effective column and wall height requirements, and design requirements for
upward loads on floors are addressed in UFC 4-023-03, Design of Buildings to Resist
Progressive Collapse.
Progressive Collapse Avoidance Design Requirements. Follow the
design guidance in UFC 4-023-03, Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse
for new and existing DoD Buildings in accordance with the following to reduce the
potential for progressive collapse due to localized structural damage due to
unforeseeable events.
Inhabited Buildings. For inhabited buildings, apply the design guidance
for at least the very low level of protection in UFC 4-023-03.
Primary Gathering Buildings, Billeting, and High Occupancy Family
Housing. For primary gathering buildings, billeting, and high occupancy family housing,
apply the design guidance for at least the low level of protection in UFC 4-023-03.
Standard 7. Structural Isolation.
Building Additions. Design all additions to existing buildings to be
structurally independent from the adjacent existing building. This will minimize the
possibility that collapse of one part of the building will affect the stability of the
remainder of the building. Alternatively, verify through analysis that collapse of either
the addition or the existing building will not result in collapse of the remainder of the
Portions of Buildings. Where there are areas of buildings that do not
meet the criteria for inhabited buildings, design the superstructures of those areas to be
structurally independent from the inhabited area. This will minimize the possibility that
collapse of the low occupancy areas of the building will affect the stability of the
superstructure of the inhabited portion of the building. Alternatively, verify through
analysis that collapse of low occupancy portions of the building will not result in collapse
of any portion of the building covered by this standard or design the low occupancy
portion of the building to meet the requirements for an inhabited building in accordance
with these standards. This standard is not mandatory for existing structures, but it
should be implemented where possible