UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
with names or ranks of the residents, however. Do not encroach upon existing standoff
distances where the existing standoff distances are less than the required (conventional
construction or minimum in accordance with Table B-1) standoff distances. For
example, where existing designated parking is only 8 meters (27 feet) from existing
family housing, that parking may be retained, but additional parking will not be allowed
closer than 8 meters (27 feet.)
Parking of Emergency, Command and Operations Support Vehicles.
Emergency and command vehicles, as well as operations support vehicles may be
parked closer to inhabited buildings than allowed in Table B-1 without hardening or
analysis if access to them is continuously controlled or as long as they are never
removed from a restricted access area, but they may not be parked closer than the
distance associated with unobstructed spaces as established in Standard 2. In addition,
where standard operation of buildings includes parking emergency vehicles inside them,
such as in fire stations, those emergency vehicles may be parked inside the buildings
where necessary as long as access to the building is controlled.
Parking of Vehicles Undergoing Maintenance. Vehicles undergoing
maintenance may be parked inside maintenance buildings closer to inhabited areas of
those buildings than allowed in Table B-1 while they are undergoing repair where
operationally necessary.
Adjacent Existing Buildings. Where projects for new and existing
buildings designed in accordance with these standards include locating parking,
roadways, or trash containers near existing inhabited buildings that are not required to
meet these standards, the standoff distances from parking, roadways, and trash
containers to the buildings that are not required to comply with these standards should
comply with the applicable standoff distances in Table B-1. Where those standoff
distances are not available, do not allow the parking, roadways, and trash containers to
encroach on existing standoff distances to the parking, roadways, and trash containers
associated with those existing buildings. For example, if existing parking associated
with an existing inhabited building that does not have to comply with these standards is
10 meters from the building, do not allow new parking and roadways associated with a
new building closer than 10 meters from the existing building.
Parking and Roadway Projects. Where practical, all roadway and
parking area projects should comply with the standoff distances from inhabited buildings
in Table B-1. Where parking or roadways that are within the standoff distances in Table
B-1 from existing buildings are being constructed, expanded, or relocated, do not allow
those parking areas and roadways to encroach on the existing standoff distances of any
existing inhabited building. That applies even where such projects are not associated
with a building renovation, modification, repair, or restoration requiring compliance with
these standards.
Trash Containers. Measure the standoff distance from the nearest point
of the trash container or trash container enclosure to the closest point on the building
exterior or inhabited portion of the building. Where the standoff distance is not