UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Parking and Roadways. Standoff distances for parking and roadways
are based on the assumption that there is a controlled perimeter at which larger vehicle
bombs will be detected and kept from entering the controlled perimeter. Where there is
a controlled perimeter, the standoff distances and explosive weight associated with
parking and roadways in Table D-1 apply unless otherwise stated below. If there is no
controlled perimeter, assume that the larger explosive weights upon which the
controlled perimeter standoff distances are based (explosive weight I from Table D-1)
can access parking and roadways near structures. Therefore, where there is no
controlled perimeter, use standoff distances from parking and roadways according to
the distances and the explosive weight associated with controlled perimeters in Table
Container Structures and Pre-engineered Buildings. For these
structures, apply the guidance for new and existing buildings in Appendix B.
Fabric Covered and other Expeditionary or Temporary Structures.
Measure the standoff distance from the closest point on the structure exterior to the
closest edge of parking areas and roadways. The minimum standoff for all structures
regardless of hardening or analysis is 10 meters (33 feet).
Existing Fabric Covered and other Expeditionary or Temporary
Structures. Moving existing parking areas and roadways may be difficult to achieve
and structural retrofits to existing structures may be prohibitively expensive or
technically impossible; therefore, the following operational options are provided for
existing inhabited structures where the standoff distances in Table D-1 are impractical
to achieve.
D- Parking Areas. Establish access control to portions of parking areas to
ensure unauthorized vehicles are not allowed closer than the required standoff distance.
For primary gathering structures and billeting, if access control is provided to prevent
unauthorized parking within the required standoff distance, controlled parking may be
permitted as close as 10 meters (33 feet) without hardening or analysis.
D- Roadways. Eliminate parking within the required standoff distance along
roads adjacent to existing structures covered by these standards.
Trash Containers. Measure the standoff distance from the nearest point
of the trash container or trash container enclosure to the closest point on the structure
exterior. Where the standoff distance is not available, hardening of trash enclosures to
mitigate the direct blast effects and secondary fragment effects of the explosive on the
structure is acceptable, if the applicable level of protection can be proven by analysis or
testing. If trash enclosures are secured to preclude introduction of objects into the
enclosures by unauthorized personnel, they may be located closer to the structure as
long as they do not violate the unobstructed space provisions of Standard 3 below.
Openings in screening materials and gaps between the ground and screens or walls
making up an enclosure will not be greater than 150 mm (6 inches).