UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
This Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), UFC 4-133-01, contains guidance for (Navy
and contract) planners, engineers, and architects on the planning, engineering,
and design of Department of the Navy (DoN) air traffic control facilities. This is
supplementary guidance to be used in conjunction with Facility Requirements
Documents (FRD), Facility Requirements Supplements (FRS), Intrusion
Detection Systems Engineering Plans (IDSEP), Base Exterior Architecture Plans
(BEAP), and other DoD and Department of Transportation (DOT) material for the
planning and construction of Naval air traffic control faculties facilities and the
preparation of DD 1391 MILCON and Step II Special Project Submissions. It is
assumed that general architectural and engineering standards are known or
available to the planner. Navy criteria concerning basic and detailed construction
and engineering criteria are not addressed in this UFC and are a prerequisite for
facility planning.
Other Aviation Operational and Support Facilities.
Criteria for the design of other aviation operational and support facilities are not
contained in this UFC, but will be included in future UFCs. Until these
documents are published, continue to use the criteria in Military Handbook (MIL-
HDBK) 1024/1 for these facilities.
Other Design Considerations.
Closely consult ATC and Air Operations (OPS) officers of shore activities from
project definition through the entire design effort of any project.
Facility Plates.
Facility plates show conceptual data that shows key features of Aviation
Operational and Support Facilities, functional layouts, design data and similar
pertinent data. Plates are furnished as a design guide to assist in planning a new
facility. Plates are representative of a generic type of air traffic control facilities.
Variations to the plans are to be determined by the using activity, the design
activity, and the designer of record during the development of the design. The
responsibility of the design rests with the designer of record.
UFC 4-133-01 provides design criteria for air traffic control towers. The design
criteria assigns space and provides a conceptual design layout for equipment
and personnel supporting the control of aircraft movement around the airfield.
The updated control tower design criteria provides guidance and methods for
establishing the tower height resulting in the air traffic controller's unobstructed
line of sight to the airfield approach areas, runways, taxiways, aircraft parking
areas, and all other operational areas over which aircraft movements must be