UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
controlled. The design criteria discusses the functional requirements for the cab
design including the glass strength and color consistent with FAA practices,
provides the Navy/Marine Corps policy for handicap accessibility and
sustainability in air traffic control facilities, and clarifies the Navy/Marine Corps
position on seismic design of control towers as an essential facility. The newly
updated design criteria provides for enhanced air traffic controller safety
responsible for diverting aircraft during fires or other natural disasters
This UFC will be used for planning individual projects, preparing engineering
documentation, and preparing contractual documents for construction. It is
intended to present the basis for standardization of practices and identify a
common baseline to be used as a guide during the planning of new facilities or
the modification of existing facilities.
Naval aviation is a highly dynamic field that depends on state-of-the-art computer
technology. The design of Navy air traffic control facilities requires close
coordination between the designer and other parties. Consider a pre-design
programming session at the host activity to establish specific requirements for
the proposed facility. Responsibilities involved in pre-design stages are as
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).
The CNO, as the user, states the needs of the ATC Facility for research and
development, improved equipment, new equipment, spare and repair parts,
consumables, training, maintenance, personnel facilities, and any other
requirements of the user.
Code N785F is the governing body or Operations Navy (OPNAV) sponsor for all
Naval Air Traffic Control (ATC), Air Navigational Aids and Landing Systems
(NAALS) programs, operations and funding. CNO is responsible for formulating
policies, directives, procedures and guidelines that govern planning,
programming and implementation of the NAALS ATC program and associated
equipment for use at naval aviation shore facilities. CNO is responsible for
validating Operational Requirements, approving Operational Capability
Improvement Requests (OCIR), representing the Navy in interagency
agreements with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other DoD
components and appropriating funds for NAALS acquisition, research,
development, testing, evaluation, operations, and maintenance.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).