UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
requirements set forth in this UFC and in the to FRD/FRS, IDSEP, and BEAP,
and prepares project drawings and specifications under the control of NAVFAC
and the guidance of SSCC. While maintaining close liaison with the NAVFAC
command responsible for the project, the designer is responsible for coordinating
all technical matters with the sponsors and users of the project.
Intrusion Detection Systems Engineering Plan (IDSEP).
SSCC Code 70 is directed by Commander Naval Investigative Service Command
(COMNISCOM), OP-09, to prepare IDSEPs for Electronic Sensor System
(ESS)/Intrusion Detection System (IDS) installations when a MILCON is required.
The reference document for the IDSEP is Section 6.0 of SPAWARINST 2804.1,
Policy and Procedures Concerning Base Electronic Systems Engineering Plan
and is equivalent to a MILCON base electronic system engineering plan
(BESEP.) The scope of the IDSEP is specific only to detailed requirements for
the design of the facility in order to accommodate ESS/IDS systems and related
electronic equipment.
Base the design of air traffic control facilities on operational requirements and the
guidance contained in this UFC. Operational facilities should incorporate the
user's requirements, provide the most effective support possible, and
accommodate the best safety, habitability, energy conservation, maintenance,
and training characteristics. Operational requirements should take precedence
over other criteria such as convenience or cost should compromises be required.
Documents such as the FRD/FRS applicable NAVFAC publications and other
pertinent Navy and DoD documents will be the governing sources for
establishment of requirements.