UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
b. Interior and exterior acoustical treatment to attain the room criteria
described in Paragraph 3-3.1. Use soft textured acoustical wall
panels and movable sound absorbent partitions in the operations
A clear ceiling height of 4.3 m (14 ft.) (finished floor to ceiling) in the
operations area.
d. A tiered seating area in projection auditorium.
e. Radio Frequency (RF) shielding throughout the crypto room. See
MIL-HDBK-1195, Radio Frequency Shielded Enclosures and
Shielding; requirements must be confirmed by Naval Electronics
Systems Security Engineering Center (NESSEC).
Facility and restroom must conform to the UFAS.
Do not provide windows in operations, NTDS/ACDS system, and electronic
equipment/maintenance rooms. Provide insulated glazing for noise reduction in
administrative areas. See Paragraph 3-6.3.6.
Mechanical Requirements.
Design the mechanical system to meet the criteria in Paragraphs 3-4, UFC 3-
420-01 Design: Plumbing Systems, and MIL-HDBK 1003/3 Heating, Air
Conditioning, and Dehumidification Systems. Provide:
a. Automatic thermostatic control.
b. A four-pipe chilled/hot water distribution system with separate air
handlers for each zone or dehumidifying system to work in
conjunction with the air conditioning system.
Capability for future expansion of the heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) system. Use piping designed for low friction
and velocity losses at the maximum flows expected.
Air Conditioning.
a. Two parallel piped air-cooled chillers, each designed for 60 percent
of the total building-cooling load. Alternate operation of chillers
automatically, on a regular basis, when load is less than 60
percent. Consider cold storage to minimize power peaks.