UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
The RATCF is normally located within restricted areas that typically meet the
minimum-security measures for external security. If the facility is located within a
restricted area of a lower level of security or is remotely located and outside of an
established restricted area, provide additional measures to meet the minimum-
security requirements for the level of security assigned to the facility. Security at
the main building entrance usually requires a single entry point with visitor
control. Remote locks, video cameras, card readers, and/or keypads may be
required by NISCOM as components of the IDS. The level of security and the
designer's responsibility for particular security elements will be designated in the
IDSEP. See Paragraph 3-6. Provide:
a. Electronic cipher door locks at interior entrance doors to IFR and
terminal equipment rooms.
b. Exterior doors in emergency generator/electrical and terminal
equipment rooms with no access hardware on the outside.
Additional Design Criteria.
Refer to Chapter 3, General Design Criteria for facility design requirements not
addressed above.
The FACSFAC building houses the Navy Tactical Data System/Advanced
Combat Direction System (NTDS/ACDS) equipment and personnel to provide a
variety of services to air, surface and subsurface units. These services are
provided to both military and civilian users and include radar surveillance and
various forms of air traffic control in warning and other special airspace areas.
Other services include surface operating area management, ground controlled
intercept (GCI), operating area scheduling and range control. The FACSFAC
normally operates continuously.
Locate the FACSFAC building as a stand-alone facility.
Architectural and Structural Requirements.
See Figures 9, 10 and 11. Provide:
a. Removable, modular, access flooring in the operations, and
electronic equipment/maintenance rooms with 457.2 mm (18 in.) of
clearance provided between the floor panels and sub floor to
accommodate wiring and insulated piping. See Paragraph 3-3.5.1.