UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
Closed circuit TV (CCTV).
d. Security fencing and guard post for facilities located outside of the
secure area of the Naval installation.
e. Personnel identification, visitor check-in, and control system to
control ingress and egress.
Additional Design Criteria.
Refer to Chapter 3, General Design Criteria for facility design requirements not
addressed above.
\ Design the Navy-Marine Corps Air Traffic Control Tower to be generally
consistent with FAA Order 6480.7, Airport Traffic Control and Terminal Radar
Approach Control Facility Design Guidelines. If a conflict exists between this
UFC and FAA Order 6480.7, this UFC governs. Sizing of cab window mullions,
cab glazing and electrical grounding are examples of where most recent FAA
criteria should be considered. /2/
The ATCT building houses equipment and personnel for control of aircraft
approaching and departing the terminal area or airport and aircraft and vehicular
movement on the runways, taxiways and all other movement areas.
Tower Location and Height.
The ATCT building houses equipment and air traffic control
personnel who provide air traffic control services to aircraft, and vehicles
operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement areas.
An ATCT Siting Report that recommends the optimum location,
relative orientation, and the optimum size and height of the ATCT must be
completed. The ATCT must be sited and physically oriented relative to the
primary runways first, so as to obtain the best unobstructed view of the airport
and aircraft primary movement areas (i.e., runways and taxiways), their
associated VFR and IFR approach paths, traffic pattern entry points, traffic
patterns, ground routes, parking areas, and VFR and IFR departure paths.
Consider planned runway and taxiway construction when siting the ATCT, as
well as expected vegetation growth that cannot be cultivated due to various
The ATCT itself should not be an obstruction (see paragraph 3-2.2)
or affect IFR operations. Care must be taken not to site the ATCT close to
and/or under a flight path.