UFC 4-133-01N
24 February 2005
Including changes 1 and 2, 7 March 2007
Lights and rotating beacons should not impair the visibility of the air
traffic controllers. See NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 (01 May 03) Airfield Lighting &
Other considerations for final siting include utility availability (water,
sewer, storm, power, and gas), site access, security, and relationship to existing
ATC Facilities and existing ATCTs. Provide a tower location and height that
results from a tower cab eye-level line of site (care should be taken in
determining eye level to accommodate a variety of controllers height) intersecting
(furthest) airport traffic surfaces at a vertical angle of 35 minutes or greater. If an
area directly below the ATCT requires controlling, consideration for relocating the
ATCT to allow proper visual access to that area should be of prime importance.
Refer to FAA Order 6480.4, Airport Traffic Control Tower Siting Criteria and
paragraphs 3-1 and 3-2.
The control tower facility design shall provide for efficient layout to
operate and maintain all utilities required in support of mission. See Table 1 for
normal facility building footprint square footage allowance.
Architectural and Structural Requirements.
See Figures 1 through 5. The ATCT is categorized as low, normal or high
density based upon air traffic volume, as defined by FAA Order 6480.7. See
Table 1 for space allocation based on operator density level. In addition, the
following criteria should be included:
Note: All reference to ATCT heights is to the tower cab finished floor.
Access Flooring.
Bonded modular static resistance access flooring and carpet in the tower cab
with 457 to 610 mm (18 to 24 in.) of clearance provided between the floor panels
and sub floor to accommodate cable trays, mechanical ducts, and insulated
piping. Bond access floor to copper grid tied to the building grounding system.
Refer to paragraph 3-3.5.1.
Acoustical Treatment.
Design interior and exterior acoustical treatment to attain the room criteria
described in paragraph 3-3.1.
Roof Structure.
Use a clear span roof structure (no interior columns) in tower cab.
Stairway and Hatches.